The Eternal Footprints Missions is persuaded by Matthew 28:19 that all the ethnos of the earth – irrespective of their geographic, social or economic status deserve at least once in a lifetime, to hear the gospel of salvation and have the opportunity to surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
This is because the gospel has the power not only to save humanity from eternal damnation, but also has the solutions to all the problems we have had and will ever have as a human race.
Our Core Values
Christ-Centered – The Messenger’s continuous abiding in Jesus
Christ, the true vine
People-Focused – Each person we encounter: saved, unsaved, or a
fellow messenger is special and dear to God’s heart, hence must be
treated with dignity and respect.
Eternity-Minded – Every opportunity to live and to serve people
groups must glorify God and count for eternity.