Eternal Footprints Missions (EFM) was birthed from a God-given burden to reach unreached people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ. After a decade of engaging in student ministry and at least seven years of experiencing rural missions, Frank and Afua Dogbatsey, founders of EFM through the conviction of the Holy Spirit were burdened by the hard but undeniable truth that only a small percentage of the African church, and for that matter missionaries on the continent, are committed to taking the gospel to unreached people groups who are passing into eternity without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Also, most of the new converts among these unreached people groups do not have mature Christians to nurture them into full maturity in Christ and empower them to reach their own people and plant their own contextual community fellowships or churches.
Inspired by God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:2, Frank and Afua Dogbatsey were convinced that the huge gap between access to the true gospel for unreached people groups (mostly in rural, less developed areas) and evangelized people groups (mostly in the cities) is an injustice. They responded to the vision as an act of obedience to God, seeing it as a privilege to serve in YHWH’s mission of the gospel reaching all ethnos of the earth. EFM was therefore registered in 2016 as a mission agency in Ghana to partner with mission-minded young individuals and churches to serve unreached people groups of Africa and beyond. As Oswald J. Smith said, “Why should anyone hear the gospel twice before everyone has heard it once?”