Eternal Footprints Missions(EFM) is a Christian mission agency based in Ghana, West Africa with the vision of expanding to other African countries and also different parts of the world.
Although we are a nonprofit organization, our end goal transcends that of a social NGO. We are passionate about being Christlike and bringing others along into eternity with Christ.
Just like Paul, Eternal Footprints Missions is dedicated to preaching the holistic gospel of Jesus and making disciples in places where Christ has not been preached.
Our Calling
To partner with God and collaborate with the body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
Our Vision Statement
Fulfill the Great Commission through the power of the Holy Spirit, beginning with the unevangelized and unreached people groups.
Our Mission Statement
Proclaim the holistic gospel, make Christ-like multiplying disciples and plant contextualized churches.
Our Core Values
Mission Critical Components
Direct Community Engagement (Community Outreaches and Household Fellowships)
Missional Education Engagement
Missional Health Engagement
Missional Business Engagement (Farming and vocational training)