My walk with Jesus began in my early teens – I came to the personal
decision to accept the salvation gift of Jesus and His Lordship over
my life in a Sunday School service. This was after one of my Sunday
school teachers explained the gospel and I received conviction from
the Holy Spirit to turn over my life to Jesus. I loved the things of
God and was always filled with joy when fellowshipping with other
believers. It was therefore not surprising that I was an active
member (and later became President) of the Scripture Union (SU) group
in my Senior High School. The solid grounding in the Word I received
from my connection to SU carried me through to my time in the
While in the university, I had the opportunity to go on short-term
mission trips to the Northern and Volta regions of Ghana. Over the
last decade, I have also been privileged to serve in an Executive
Assistant role within the Lausanne Movement and attended the Lausanne
Younger Leaders Gathering in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2016. At this
international gathering with participants from over 140 countries, I
had in-depth exposure to global missions and my passion for missions
was rekindled.
I count it a privilege to have been able to share the gospel with
others through my past experiences and feel blessed to share my life
with a man who loves and is committed to missions. I am excited about
this new phase in our lives and mission journey and I can’t wait to
see what the Lord will accomplish through Eternal Footprints