Frank’s final trip to the North for 2019 went very well to the glory of God. All we can say is that in these end times, Muslims are very hungry for the truth about Jesus and the salvation He offers us. Please continue to pray and trust God with us that many more of them would take the bold step to surrender their lives to Christ.
At the beginning of 2019, Eternal Footprints Missions had on record three full-time missionaries, two volunteers, and 40 Muslim converts in 8 different small groups going through various stages of discipleship among the Dagomba people group.
We asked you to pray with us trusting God to increase the number of converts to 120 by the beginning of 2020. There were a few setbacks such as persecution (not physical but verbal and social exclusion) that reduced the discipleship groups to 5, even though the total number of converts increased to 58 among the Dagomba people group. To God be the glory!
On the brighter side, the Lord graciously opened doors for us by adding to our number of missionaries and charting paths for us to begin work among new unreached people groups in Northern Ghana. Currently, there are five full-time missionaries and 12 stinters (the stint or gap year initiative is a partnership with IFES or InterVarsty). To the praise of God, we have started seeing fruits of converts among the Mamprusi people group. There are four discipleship groups with an average of 18 new converts per group. We are sincerely humbled by the fact that God would let us reap the harvest of fields others have labored for so long.
Please, continue to pray for the other people groups especially the Kantosis who currently are not opening up to the gospel. Pray that the community will experience our heavenly Father’s love in their hearts. Also, that the missionaries (who are also voluntary teachers in the community) would not be discouraged but demonstrate the love of Christ to the people, especially their students.
Apart from preaching the gospel, in 2019 we were able to increase our social contribution among the people groups we work among. The scholarship opportunities for students from deprived backgrounds went from three to five, with two other young people learning vocational trades (fashion design, hairdressing, and photography). By the grace of God, we also supported the Gbani elementary school to renovate one of their old classrooms to be used as a temporary library.
We also had the opportunity to distribute Dagaare (the heart language of the Gonja people) Bibles to converts among the Gonja people. Though we do not work directly among this unreached people group, we partnered with a missionary friend to make this possible. We bless God for opportunities like this and trust Him to keep working among us, however, He chooses for His glory alone.
Finally, three elementary schools in the Dagomba, Mamprusi, and Kantosi communities each received a computer for their ICT practical lessons. Students from these schools had little or no knowledge of what a computer is, more so the opportunity to operate one. It is Eternal Footprints Missions’ vision that every school where our missionaries work would have at least one computer for demonstration purposes to improve learning.
Please pray that:
we’ll have full-time missionaries among all five people groups we are currently working among
the current discipleship groups will grow and multiply by themselves
the new converts, especially from Muslim backgrounds, will receive grace to persevere. That they will not give up, but stand firm in their new faith in Christ.
the partnership with IFES/InterVarsty will be deepened so that we can penetrate even more territories of unreached people groups to the glory of God.
Jesus will continue to be our first love in 2020 and bringing Him glory will be the motive for all that we do.
The Holy Spirit will lead Afua (who currently oversees the admin, finance, and governance roles for our Mission) to a part-time job where her skills are most needed to impact others for eternity.